Habitat / Wiesbaden

Habitat is a celebration of all bodies, ages and genders. International choreographer Doris Uhlich is known for her poetic and subversive staging of naked bodies in public spaces. In Wiesbaden, she creates a bold and shameless ode to the body that goes beyond cultural clichés and common conceptions of beauty, exposing both the power and fragility than lie within us.
Habitat is a utopia. A shameless but also a free-of-shame hymn to a naked body beyond cultural inscriptions and conventional ideals of beauty. The body is not devalued to the level of a fetish, an object; and carnality is neither metaphorically nor poetically ideologized but understood in a material sense and is therefore presented in all its mass and weight yet also in its fragility.

Concept, Choreography Doris Uhlich
Performance Stefanie Alf, Sabine Baumgarten, Václav Cimický, Ronja Eick, Adil Embaby, Leonie Frühe, Johanna Griesfeller, Magnus Großmann, Caroline Kasten, Valerie Keller, Melissa Klingelhöfer, Hugo Le Brigand, Dominik Makosch, Brigitte Miller, Lisa Mössmer, Levi Mühlbacher, Ann Muller, Ramona Lena Nieveler, Georg Nogel, Onur Özyurt jung, Mäk Plentinger, Stefanie Reuel, Sabine Röhm, Stefan Röhm, Vera Rosner, Daniela Rudnik, Ingrid Schmidt, Mim Schneider, Polina Sonis, Dominik Giovanni Steduto, Stilla Sternlewin, Antonia Strammer, Yanna Vick, Jonas Wegner, Maria (Mia) Werner
Rehearsal directors Hugo Le Brigand, Mim Schneider, Ann Muller
DJ Boris Kopeinig
Company Management, Production Margot Wehinger
International Distribution Giulia Traversi
Funded by the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna and the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport
Project partners of the Habitat-series are donaufestival / Krems, ImPulsTanz / Vienna in cooperation with Wiener Secession, Tanzquartier Wien, Münchner Kammerspiele, Tanzfestival Rhein-Main (Künstlerhaus Mousonturm / Frankfurt a. M. and Hessisches Staatsballett in the frame of Tanzplattform Rhein-Main), Wildwuchs Festival / Basel, Nowy Teatr / Warszawa, Frascati / Amsterdam, Perform Europe (Plexus Rouge / Marseille, Rosendal Teater / Trondheim, Mayfest / Bristol), DOMENIG STEINHAUS / Carinthia, BRITNEY X Festival / Cologne, Metropolis / Copenhagen, Hessisches Staatstheater / Wiesbaden, KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen / Hannover