Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Art, coffee & croissants with Doris Uhlich / Kunsthalle Kremspeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
dance workhop with Doris Uhlich / Perspektiven Attersee
Workshop "SUNNY BODY" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Public Moves, ImPulsTanz Wien
20/07/2024, 21/07/2024
Workshop "Deep Dive 2024" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / ImPulsTanz Vienna (Arsenal F)
Workshop "Into the Groove" with Doris Uhlich / Public Moves, ImPulsTanz Vienna (Vienna: Metro Station Seestadt)
Workshop "Into the Groove" with Doris Uhlich / Public Moves, ImPulsTanz Vienna (Linz: Lentos Kunstmuseum)
Workshop "Energetic Icons" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Public Moves, ImPulsTanz Vienna (Linz: Lentos Kunstmuseum)
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "How to do things with slime" in the framework of the ACADEMY #1 MAKE FRIENDS – SHARE KNOWLEDGE at Impulse Theater Festival (by and with Sandra Umathum, Doris Uhlich, Philomena Theuretzbacher)
"Performing Challenges" – Lecture Series mdw-Gender Studies (Choreografien der Inklusion. Utopien und Herausforderungen gegenwärtiger Inszenierung von Diversität Adam Czirak im Gespräch mit Doris Uhlich)
Workshop "SUNNY BODY" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig ( Personale Doris Uhlich Coproduction INNSBRUCK INTERNATIONAL. Biennial of the Arts 2024 and Tiroler Landestheater)
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Film "Slow" von Marija Kavtaradze & Gespräch zum Thema "AkzepTanz – Tanz als Mittel zur Inklusion und (Selbst)Akzeptanz?" zu Gast Doris Uhlich
04/03/2024 - 06/03/2024
Workshop "The World is in the Body" with Doris Uhlich / School for Artistic Photography, Vienna
Lecture: The History of Theatre - New concepts of authorship: Play development in theatre, dance and performance
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "Energetic Icons" in the framework of "Produktionszentrum Tanz und Performance" in Stuttgart
Workshop "Sunny Body" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig (Live DJ)
Workshop "Energetic Icons" – Waves Festival Vordingborg
15/07/2023 & 16/07/2023
Workshop "Gootopians" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig, ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival
Workshhop "Into the Groove" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig, ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival
10/07/2023 – 14/07/2023
Workshop "more than naked" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig, ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop "BODYMUSIC" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig / Tanzquartier Wien
"Unapologetic Bodies on Stage" (Seminar)
Screening "Ravemachine", Workshop "Energetic Icons" and Artist Talk
23/07/2022 & 24/07/2022
Workshop "Gootopians" with Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig, ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival
Worshop with Students, Le Maillon / Strasbourg
Workshop "Energetic Icons", Schwankhalle Bremen
13/12/2021 – 17/12/2021
Workshop "Bodyfrequencies" with Doris Uhlich and Boris Kopeinig (Academy of Culural Education, Dusseldorf)
Workshop "Seismic Touch" with Doris Uhlich and Boris Kopeinig, Public Moves, ImPulsTanz Vienna
24/07/2021, 25/07/2021
Workshop "Deep Dive" with Doris Uhich and Boris Kopeinig, ImPulsTanz, Vienna
Panel discussion "Salon Différance: Art & Illness", Tanzquartier Vienna
Digital Workshop "HABITAT @ HOME", Münchner Kammerspiele
Digital Workshop "HABITAT @ HOME", Münchner Kammerspiele
07/05/2021, 08/05/2021
Workshop "collective body" (Cross Disciplinary Strategies. Applied Studies in Art, Science, Philosophy and Global Challenges)
29/04/2021, 30/04/2021
Lecture "Shift" in the framework of Lecture Series "Muße, Muse und das Müssen. Wissen und Geschlecht in Musik*Theater*Film*" (MDW / Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies / Vienna)
Conversation: Between Postmodernism and Populism: Perspectives on Political Aesthetics with Rosemarie Brucher, Natascha Strobl, Doris Uhlich, moderated by Christian Schenkermayr, INTERDISCIPLINARY ONLINE SYMPOSIUM Art.Politics.Morality organized by the Interuniversity Research Network Elfriede Jelinek and the Elfriede Jelinek Research Center in cooperation with Tanzquartier Wien and the Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw.
Presentation of the workshop "niemand wird uns je berühren, anrühren?, erreichen?" with Doris Uhlich and students of the University of Vienna and the MUK, Introduction: Nikolaus Selimov, INTERDISCIPLINARY ONLINE SYMPOSIUM Art.Politics.Morals organized by the Interuniversity Research Network Elfriede Jelinek and the Elfriede Jelinek Research Center in cooperation with Tanzquartier Wien and the Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw
Digital Workshop: "The Future of Theatre in the presence of the Corona-Crises" in the framework of DAAD-Hochschuldialogs with the University Padua and the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt a. M.
12/04/2021, 13/04/2021
Workshop "niemand wird uns je berühren, anrühren?, erreichen?" with students from the University of Vienna and the MUK, INTERDISCIPLINARY ONLINE SYMPOSIUM Art.Politics.Morals organized by the Interuniversity Research Network Elfriede Jelinek and the Elfriede Jelinek Research Center in cooperation with Tanzquartier Wien and the Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw
Digital Workshop "HABITAT @ HOME", Münchner Kammerspiele
26/03/2021, 27/03/2021, 28/03/2021
Workshop "Seimic Touch" in the frame of "The Workshop: Investigations Into an Artistic-Political Format", International Conference, (Institute for Theatre Studies, Ruhr University, Bochum) in collaboration with the ICI Berlin and the PSR Project ‘Our Dance’ (Heizhaus/Uferstudios GmbH)
Séminaire / “Vulnérabilités, spectacle vivant et handicap”, Points Communs
Digital Workshop "HABITAT @ HOME", Münchner Kammerspiele
28/11/2020, 29/11/2020
Workshop "collective body" (Applied Photography and Time-Based Media)
Lecture in the frame of the seminar "Philosophy of Technology and Performance" (University of Vienna)
Panel discussion "The Power of Dance" in the frame of (IM)POSSIBLE BODIES Festival
Masterclass (Festspielhaus St. Pölten)
Workshop Energetic Icons (Festspielhaus St. Pölten)
Practice-Workshop with Doris Uhlich – An international Online Conference Sisters Ways of Dancers & Artists (Austria-Israel) / Austrian Cultural Forum Tel Aviv
Talk with Doris Uhlich – An international Online Conference Sisters Ways of Dancers & Artists (Austria-Israel) / Austrian Cultural Forum Tel Aviv
Bodyfrequencies (Tanzfabrik / Berlin)
13/07/2020, 14/07/2020, 16/07/2020
Seismic Touch (Public Moves / ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
04/03/2020, 05/03/2020
Workshop for students of the directing studies with Boris Kopeinig (Mozarteum / Salzburg)
28/02/2020, 29/02/2020, 01/03/2020
Workshop together with Marta Górnicka for the Political Voice Institute (Maxim Gorki Theater / Berlin)
Workshop (Trafó / Budapest)
03/02/2020, 04/02/2020, 05/02/2020, 06/02/2020, 07/02/2020, 08/02/2020
Workshop (LEAP / Masterclass Tanzvermittlung / Remscheid)
28/11/2019, 29/11/2019
Weeds (mumok / ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
2019 (November)
Bodyfrequencies (Orff Institute / Salzburg)
2019 / 2020
Contemporary dance training (Tanzwerkstatt Vienna)
2018 / 2019
Contemporary dance training (Tanzwerkstatt Vienna)
24/09/2018, 25/09/2018, 26/09/2018
Choreography Workshop "Energetic Gates" (Art university Burg Giebichstein / Halle)
Workshop (CAMPO / After Summer School / Ghent)
11/08/2018, 12/08/2018, 13/08/2018, 14/08/2018, 15/08/2018
Choreography-Workshop "Energetic Gates" (Seoul Dance Center)
21/07/2018, 22/07/2018
Ruhestandstanz / Bodyfrequencies (ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
20/06/2018, 21/06/2018, 22/06/2018, 23/06/2018
SHIFT ABILITY. Practices of Restrictions and Extensions. (Impulse Festival /Cologne)
02/05/2018, 03/05/2018, 04/05/2018
Energetic Icons (Zagreb Dance Center)
02/04/2018, 03/04/2018, 04/04/2018, 05/04/2018, 06/08/2018
more than naked (Studio 303 / Montreal)
05/08/2017, 06/08/2017
everybody more than naked (Tanzwerkstatt Europa / Munich)
24/07/2017, 25/07/2017, 26/07/2017, 27/07/2017, 28/07/2017
Field Project "Beastie People" (ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
22/07/2017, 23/07/2017
more than naked / Energetic Icons (ImPulsTanz / Wien)
every body boom (Festival Santarcangelo)
10/04/2017, 11/04/2017, 12/04/2017, 13/04/2017
more than naked (Studio 33 / Montreal)
Workshop Doris Uhlich with Albert Oehlen (mumok / Vienna)
28/11/2016, 29/11/2016, 30/11/2016, 01/12/2016, 02/12/2016, 03/12/2016, 04/12/2016, 05/12/2016, 06/12/2016, 07/12/2016, 08/12/2016, 09/12/2016
Workshop (HZT / Berlin)
2016 / 2017
Contemporary dance training (Tanzwerkstatt Vienna)
30/07/2016, 31/07/2016
every body more than naked (Tanzwerkstatt Europa / Munich)
29/02/2016, 01/03/2016, 02/03/2016, 03/03/2016, 04/03/2016
Workshop (Studio 33 / Montreal)
2015 / 2016
Contemporary dance training (Tanzwerkstatt Vienna)
01/08/2015, 02/08/2015
more than naked (ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
27/07/2015, 28/07/2015, 29/07/2015, 30/07/2015, 31/07/2015
Retirement dance (ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
15/04/2016, 16/04/2016, 17/04/2015
more than naked (Antistatic Festival / Sofia)
2014 / 2015
Contemporary dance training (Tanzwerkstatt / Vienna)
26/07/2014, 27/07/2014
Retirement dance / more than naked (ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
11/07/2014, 12/07/2014
Workshop at Attersee
2013 / 2014
Contemporary dance training (Tanzwerkstatt Vienna)
10/09/2013, 11/09/2013, 12/09/2013, 13/09/2013, 14/09/2013
Workshop for contemporary dancers (Beijing Fringe Festival)
20/07/2013, 21/07/2013
Retirement dance (ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
2012 / 2013
Contemporary dance training (Tanzwerkstatt / Wien)
16/07/2012, 17/07/2012, 18/07/2012, 19/07/2012, 20/07/2012
Let´s fetz! For 10-13 year-olds / Retirement dance / more than naked (ImPulsTanz / Wien)
01/12/2011, 15/12/2011
Dancing with Doris Uhlich! For youth (mumok / Wien)
12/11/2011, 13/11/2011, 14/11/2011
more than naked (Baltic Circle / Helsinki)
13/10/2011, 14/10/2011, 15/10/2011
Retirement dance (Festspielhaus Sankt Pölten)
2011 / 2012
Contemporary dance training (Tanzwerkstatt Wien)
23/07/2011, 24/07/2011
more than naked (ImPulsTanz Vienna)
18/07/2011, 19/07/2011, 20/07/2011, 21/07/2011, 22/07/2011
Retirement dance (ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
07/06/2011, 08/06/2011, 09/06/2011
Zündstoff Schiller (16. Internationale Schillertage / Mannheim)
Rising Swans (Tanzhaus Zurich)
01/10/2010, 02/10/2010, 03/10/2010
Retirement dance (Festival Herzrasen / Schauspielhaus Hamburg
03/08/2010, 04/08/2010, 05/08/2010, 06/08/2010, 07/08/2010
Wilde KerlInnen (ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
26/07/2010, 27/07/2010, 28/07/2010, 29/07/2010, 30/07/2010
Wilde KerlInnen (ImPulsTanz / Vienna)
Rising Swans (Tanzbüro Basel)
2010 (Mai/May)
Choreographic Workshop: Dying Swans (K3 / Hamburg)
2010 (März/March, April, Juni/June)
Guest trainer at Konservatorium der Stadt Wien, department Pedagogic for Modern Dance (til 30.06.2010)
2008 / 2009
Lecture and Feedback for students of the Academy of fine arts / Vienna
03/08/2009, 04/08/2009, 05/08/2009, 06/08/2009, 07/08/2009
Retirement dance (ImPulsTanz / Vienna)