In cooperation with Tanzquartier Wien and MAK, Doris Uhlich develops a performative installation. The performer Ann Muller intervenes in the MAK columned main hall with a selection of her modules from the performance Gootopia, which she performs, varies, remixes in loops in this museum version.
Slime is a biologically vital substance that triggers ambivalent reactions: revulsion and shudders, curiosity and desire to touch. Slime is not clearly solid or liquid, neither intrinsic nor alien, and sometimes both at the same time. In Gootopia slime is material and performer, it performs with, on, in and between bodies. Humans and slime touch each other, network, mix, form alliances. Body boundaries become fluid. The result is an ambivalent field between horror and fascination, empathy and disgust, which enables visitors to immerse themselves in the sculptural, scenic and installative quality of material processes.

Choreography Doris Uhlich
Performance Ann Muller
Special Guest Adil Embaby
Material Research Juliette Collas, Philomena Theuretzbacher
Costume Zarah Brandl
Technical Support Marco Tölzer
Production Margot Wehinger
Social Media Esther Brandl
International Distribution Something Great
A coproduction of Tanzquartier Wien and insert Tanz und Performance GmbH in cooperation with the Museum of Applied Arts / MAK.
Funded by the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna.