Six young women, who have been dancing and training with the choreographer Doris Uhlich in the Tanzwerkstatt Wien for several years, are the protagonists of Unkraut. In the performance, they question the image of a woman, which they on one hand already embody, but on the other desire to postpone. At the same time, the image of „weed“ is symbolic of the refusal to let go, to give up. The search for movement revolves around the themes of oppression and rebelliousness, which slumbers in the young women's need for individuality and self-determination - in the desire to be different or more than one is. However, these emotions are often suppressed: by women themselves, by normative forces from outside, by social codes. The six „weeds“ dance against the pressure to fit into a society's image of a woman, to subordinate oneself. In a joyful, weird and humorous way, they dance into their personal and collective power and into the many egos that are sleeping in them and are fearless. Recommended from 14 years.
The piece speaks not only to girls and women, but to all that are either subordinated or in a position of power.
Doris Uhlich
Choreography Doris Uhlich
Performance Marie-Luise Bohrer, Annina Kriechbaum, Miriam Kutrowatz,
Lena Obenaus, Anna Steiner, Luna Weis
Dramaturgical collaboration Yoshie Maruoka
Sound collaboration Boris Kopeinig
Costume Zarah Brandl
Light Gerald Pappenberger
Sound support Moritz Cizek
Production Margot Wehinger
Press, Communication Jonathan Hörnig
International Distribution Something Great
Premiere 25/06/2019 SCHÄXPIR Festival / Linz
Viennese Premiere 28/11/2019 mumok / Vienna in cooperation with ImPulsTanz / Vienna
Coproduction SCHÄXPIR Festival / Linz, Szene Salzburg and insert (Theaterverein)
Cooperation Tanzwerkstatt Wien, ImPulsTanz / Vienna, mumok / Vienna
insert (Theaterverein) is funded by the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna and the Federal Chancellery of Austria.